... for an Amazing: Senior Java Developer Seniority: Senior (5+ years) Type of ... of our family? You can develop a career that fits you : your ... Azores hubs, which aims to develop technology for the national and ...
8 dias atrás
... for an Amazing: Senior Java Developer Seniority: Senior (5+ years) Type of ... of our family? You can develop a career that fits you : your ... Azores hubs, which aims to develop technology for the national and ...
13 dias atrás
... . Currently, we are seeking a Java Developer who's eager to continuing to ...
10 dias atrás
Descrição: // Bee motto if (me.dareToChange() == true) { me.sendCV(); me.happy(true); } We are an IT Consultancy focused on Engineering projects associated with information Technologies. We operate in two main areas: OTS and DxSpark, concentrating in what ...
6 dias atrás
Descrição: Queremos fazer diferente com o essencial. Apostamos numa estratégia de corporativismo sustentável. Acreditamos que o sucesso se baseia na construção de uma equipa centrada no bem-estar coletivo, no desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional, e ...
6 dias atrás
Descrição: Integer is a Portuguese consulting company specialized in Technology and Information Systems. Our core business is IT outsourcing services, software, nearshore projects, and tailor-made solutions. We are partners with the main technology ...
10 dias atrás
Descrição: Fundada em 2005, em Lisboa, a agap2IT é uma organização europeia na área dos Sistemas de Informação, Ciência e Tecnologia. A capacidade de intervir globalmente aliada à elevada experiência e know-how técnico, funcional e de negócio da equipa, ...
16 dias atrás
Descrição: Integer is a Portuguese consulting company specialized in Technology and Information Systems. Our core business is IT outsourcing services, software, nearshore projects, and tailor-made solutions. We are partners with the main technology ...
18 dias atrás